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09.30 Welcome & Event Overview
Arrival & Networking Breakfast
09.35 Event Introduction
GF Ambassador & Event Host: Kate Armitage

Session 1: Policy, Regulation and Charging

Martin Edgecox – AFP
Infrastructure, charging & network: Road to Zero 2027 and 2030 Targets
Michael Johnson - Cheshire Constabulary/Fire & Rescue
Environment & Sustainability - Joint estates and facilities management
Carl Christie – CENEX
Blue Light Essex Police, Fire and rescue fleet and infrastructure strategy
Q & A

Session 2: NPCC/BLC Decarbonisation Programme

Joy Allen – Association of Police and Crime Commissioners
The APCC has joined with policing partners National Police Chiefs Council and Bluelight Commercial to launch a landmark decarbonisation programme that provides leadership & focus for three quarters of PCCs, including MOD Police
Jo Osborne & Andy Brown – Bluelight Commercial
How to develop a clear procurement strategy for clean fleet
Matthew Dear – BEAT
Programme and project initiation and management
Q & A
11.30 Refreshment break
11.50 Welcome Back
Kate Armitage introduces 'Solutions 60 Minutes'
Sponsor Briefer 1: Shell
Sponsor Briefer 2: Joju
Sponsor Briefer 3: Mer
Sponsor Briefer 4: Mobilize
Sponsor Briefer 5: Dynamon
Sponsor Briefer 6: Carbon Clean
13.10 Lunch at hosted tables

Session 3: Innovation (Bluelight & MOD)

14.00 Welcome back
Rob Macintosh & Chris Rutherford- London Ambulance Service NHS Trust
The Government has announced £77 million of funding for new zero emission vehicles demanding roles like ambulances. What will this mean for your fleet?
Bryan Munce – MOD Bovington
Battlefield tests for British Army electric Land Rover Defender
Q & A

Session 4: Alternative Fuels

Colin Matthews – Renewable Transport Fuel Association: Alternative/ low carbon fuels scene setter
How to choose the right vehicle, right tech and right drive cycle
Jon Regnart-Russell – Hydrogen UK
The advantages for early adopters
15.20 Q & A
15.30 Event close

All of the above and more will take part in the audience Q&A as well as the day’s breakout discussion groups.